Sunday, February 17, 2008

a note on french baking.

In terms of baking, the French do some things pretty darn well. Their baguettes are delicious, and their croissants and pain au chocolats are heavenly. And they're really good at just making things look pretty.
But when it cames to cookies... Americans soooooo win. Their [the French's] idea of a cookie is something like if you made a cracker a little bit sweeter and put a little bit of chocolate or jam on it. Which is tasty... but compared to a soft chocolate chip cookie or peanut butter cookie- it's a great big fail.

So basically, if I decide to live in Paris later in life, here is how I'm going to make my livelihood:
An American cookie shop. Giant chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, molasses cookies, sugar cookies- basically all the cookies that the French are severely lacking.

One last thing about French baking: they can make decent pies. (For example, my host mom made a delightful pie this evening, with caramelized banana and a chocolate sauce).
BUT I'm still convinced that there's nobody in the world who can make a pie crust as well as my own mother.

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