Monday, February 4, 2008

metro adventure of the day

So today I had a 1:00, and I met Rujuta downstairs so that we could take the Metro to Sweet Briar together.
Usually I walk down to St. Lazare and take line 12, which means I walk a tad further to the metro station but I don't have to change lines. So today, Rujuta said, "Hey, we should take Europe (line 3) to line 4 and take that to Sweet Briar. It will be faster that way!"

Right. Famous last words.

We switched over to line 4 and didn't even get to the next stop before the lights in the Metro train went out, then the train stopped. Some emergency lights came on, and the intercom says something along the lines of, "we had to make a stop, thank you for your patience". It was static-y, so I didn't understand all of it. Anyway, we sat like that for about 15 minutes. Then the intercom comes on to tell us that we're evacuating the metro, starting with the back of the train. That's when I called Jessica to tell her I wouldn't make it to class on time that day, and to ask her to tell the Prof (See mom? Cell phones=useful!).

So I go to the back, and comment to Ruju about how this is kind of exciting, when this girl who's standing there goes, "OH you speak English! What's going on??" It was a girl about our age who's from Australia and was just touring all over. So I told her that I pretty much just knew that we were evacuating, so we exit the metro via a little ladder, and got to walk along the metro tunnel to the next station.
I'm still not entirely sure what happened, but there were paramedics so someone might have gotten hurt? :/

Anyway, after we exited we were still a tad too far to walk (although it would be do-able, we were still on the wrong side of the Seine) so we walked with the Australian girl (whose name was Mel) to Centre Pompidou and took a bus from there. Mel got off at Cite since she was heading to Notre Dame, and we got off at Jardin du Luxembourg which is right by Sweet Briar.
Whew. Well, we made it eventually.

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