Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kathy's visit

The lack of updates is a direct result of end-of-the-semester busy-ness and a plethora of end-of-the-semester papers. Sorry, guys.

So May 14-20 Kathy, a girl I've been friends with since elementary school (hooray for Girl Scouts!) was visiting! She slept on my floor and got to talk with my host family which was interesting because she knows hardly any French. So I got to practice translating. Everyone in a while I would mess up and start talking to Kathy in French, and she would just start laughing at me.

Wednesday after she got here, I took her to Parc Monceau for a picnic lunch, and then she explored the Luxembourg Gardens while I had a consultation for one of my music history papers at Sweet Briar. After that she took a short nap before coming with me to the Louvre.
Thursday I had class all morning, so I went early to show her where the Cluny is, and she went there and did some shopping while I was at class. That afternoon I took her to Notre Dame, and outside there was a bread festival going on! So we got to watch some bakers bake some delicious french bread. After that we went to Centre Pompidou and Spaghetti Bar for happy hour and to meet other Sweet Briar people.
Friday we spent all morning in the Musee d'Orsay, and then in the afternoon we took a break before going to the Champs-Elysees and the Louvre (she's an art major, so two trips to the Louvre were necessary).
Saturday we spent the day at Versailles, and then on the way back we saw Sarah Lube on the metro, so we kidnapped her and I made them dinner in the tiny apartment kitchen. That night we went to the Aquarium because it was free.
Sunday morning I took her to the market at the Bastille (my favorite market) and then we went to Père Lachaise to see some famous dead people. It also rained alot, so we took a break in a cafe for some hot chocolate. Then we went to the Catacombs (so apparently the theme for the day was death...) to see creepy bones, and then I had to study for my monday Atelier d'Ecriture exam, so we went back and I studied while she watched Ratatouille on my computer.
Monday was her last day, so in the morning I took her to Havre-Caumartin to look in Printemps and the other stores down there. I also took her down to the Madeleine.
That afternoon I took my Atelier Exam, and then Kathy met me at Sweet Briar so that we could go to Montmartre (obligatory) to see Sacre Coeur, the famed Moulin Rouge, Artist's Square, and all the fun nooks and crannies up there. And then that night we went out to dinner.

So she left Tuesday morning, so I started writing papers like whoa, I finished my exams at Sweet Briar, and now I just have my classes at the Sorbonne to worry about.

Oh, and I think this is cute- my host mom is trying to teach herself English, so a couple nights ago I was going over fruits with her. She got frustrated when I told her that Peach is spelled P-e-a-c-h and not p-e-e-c-h, and then again when I told her that Pear is p-e-a-r but no, it doesn't rhyme with Peach. Also, she couldn't remember the word "strawberry", but when I told her she was like, "Oh of course! Like the song 'Strawberry Fields Forever!'" XD
I kind of feel sorry for people that have to learn English as their second language.


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