Monday, April 14, 2008

teaching bluegrass to the french

Last night at Dinner, Pauline started talking about something she saw that she thought was really neat. As she was describing it, I realized that she had seen someone playing the spoons! (Like how they do a lot in bluegrass music). And she got a little confused and was like, "They had a fork and a spoon... or was it two spoons?" and I was like, "Oh yeah, you take two spoons and put them back to back..."
So she got all excited that I knew what she was talking about, and was like, "Wow, you've seen this done before?? Do you know how to do it??" So Raymond (host-dad) got excited too, and he got out a bunch of spoons so that I could show them... and it was really funny, because they'd never seen anyone play the spoons before, and they were all sitting around the table trying to make these rhythms.. it was like my Recreational Music class all over again..
And that's the night I taught the Maillard family how to play the spoons. I wish I could play the spoons better.. or that I had a set of those cheater spoons (ok, not really cheating, but they make spoons that are already attached so that you don't have to worry so much about how you hold them.)

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