Thursday, March 20, 2008


It's been a tiring week. Rachel arrived on Saturday with Meggie, one of her friends from high school, so I've spent the entire week either in class or taking them around Paris! It was so much fun to see her again! Unfortunately the weather wasn't as kind this week as it has been for practically the rest of the semester- it was cold and windy for most of the week. I managed to see alot with them though.
-Saturday they arrived at about 7 that morning, but by the time they took the RER into Paris and I met them at Gare du Nord, it was probably a little before 10. I took them back to my appt. because it was too early to check-in to their hotel, and they pretty much crashed on my bed for most of the afternoon. Once they were awake, I took them to the latin quarter to check into their hotel (which I had already found when she told me where they were staying), and then we went out to dinner and I took them around the latin quarter.
-Sunday we saw the Eiffel Tower, Centre Pompidou, the Bastille, and Place des Vosges, and did a lot of walking in between.
-Monday morning I went with them to explore the Champs-Elysees, and then I had to go to class while they met up with another friend of Rachel's, Emma. (Emma is abroad in London for the year and was visiting Paris on break). That evening I met up with the three of them and took them to Spaghetti bar for happy hour, and then we went back to the Eiffel Tower to see how pretty it is at night.
-Tuesday I had class most of the day, and in the evening I hung out with just Rachel, but we didn't really do anything special or touristy.
-Wednesday I had class in the morning, but in the afternoon I took them (Rachel, Meggie, and Emma) to Père Lachaise. After that we went to Jardin de Luxembourg, where we people-watched (one of my favorite Paris activities) and then had to say goodbye to Emma.
-Today I couldn't do anything with them, but in-between my two classes (at about noon) I met up with them at Jardin de Luxembourg to say goodbye. Then they went off to go to the airport.

It went sooo quick! It was too bad I had classes to go to, but that's part of the reason why Rachel decided to come with a friend, so that she wouldn't be alone for large chunks of the day. And I think they managed to see a lot while I was at class.

Next big adventure= a weekend in Provence. Mmmm I hope I come back smelling like Lavender.

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