Friday, January 25, 2008

"This is ridiculous." "This, Madame, is Versailles."

The trip to Versailles today was really fun.

During the morning we had a tour of the palace [in French] given by Sweet Briar's history prof here. Last time I was at Versailles [Spring of 2005] the Hall of Mirrors was only partially open, and now it's finished with it's renovation, so that was neat to finally see that.

After the tour we had a wonderful lunch at a restuarant in the Chateau's park, La Flottille, and then free time where we could wander around Versailles at our own pace and return to Paris whenever we felt like. A small group of us decided to visit Marie Antoinette's estate and the Grand Trianon, which I also hadn't seen on my last visit. We had a lot of fun just wandering around the grounds. It was amazing how huge the grounds were. They were really gorgeous, but so unnecessary.

Check out that backyard!:

A group of us after lunch:


Paul said...

Hi Kat - you look like you are having WAY too much fun - keep it up :-) Love, Dad

Nancy said...

Say, that IS a nice back yard! Savor every minute.Cool shades.