Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The end. F'real this time.

So when I saw several family members this past weekend, I received more than one complaint about how I don't update this blog anymore.

Seriously, guys? You still come here? My Parisian adventures are over! (for the time being, at least.)

I could talk about my Independent Study at Wooster... (I'm translating the Québécois film C.R.A.Z.Y. from French into English, and so far I find it to be challenging but still kind of fun... although that doesn't mean that I don't procrastinate like every other Wooster student does.)

Or I could tell you about how my friend Lindsay and I are in denial about the fact that we're not in France anymore (she studied in Nantes for the year, and we greet each other with Bisous- that is to say, kisses on the cheek- and talk in French as much as our Anglophone friends can stand.)

I still talk to the friends that I made in Paris- sometimes in French, but mostly in English- and my walls are littered with reminders of Paris- a map of the metro, movie posters that are in French (Il était une fois... croyez-vous encore aux contes de fées?), postcards and such.

So yeah. Seriously, that's it. I'll let you guys know if I ever go back. I probably will... one day.
